So here's the plan of attack for a really long scratch like this. You wanna do it well, first of all, you wanna use, you know, you can tell that the scratch, like this is not gonna come out with the Totally Bitchin' Scratch Remover Polish all by itself. So this will definitely need safety sand. Now, if you're not sure, just take a small area and then just use the Totally Bitchin' Polish on a small area and just see if the scratch comes out, just to be sure that you're gonna have to use the safety sand.
Sometimes you never know. It really works some magic. Then if, if it doesn't then completely clean this with the awesome blue and the towel to make sure you get all the residue off the polish residue off. And then what you'll do to test a scratch is just pick a small area and that's what we're gonna do right now.
Just pick a small area and hit it with the safety sand. And then I'm gonna show you a really cool trick out here in the sunlight. We've got the sun coming down, so it's really illuminating this scratch really well. It makes it really easy to tell when the scratch is totally gone using the safety sand.
So here we go. Alright. So we're just gonna do the small little area. We'll just spot clean it just to make sure there's no grit on there. You use the white microfiber towel and the awesome blue. Okay. So now we've got safety, sand and purple glide. Make sure you put the sandpaper on the safety sand, and you'll give the safety sand a shot or two.
And now we're just gonna do a real small area just to see what happens. Now, you grab it like this. And put kind of a firm scrubbing motion into it and count 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005. Okay. So you saw my scrubbing motions are really tight and like really focused on the scratch. So what we'll do, you take the white microfiber towel and you probably won't be able to see this on camera.
It's, it's made it you know, kind of... now I can still see the faint line of the scratch. So what we're gonna do, this is really great. So we're gonna do another five second blast, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005. Now you saw, I kind of went in one direction and then kind of came back, just kind of focusing my effort right on that.
So we'll wipe this off and I can still see, these are pretty good scratches actually from a shopping cart. So we'll try it one more time.
1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005.
Now I can still see just a little bit of that. So we'll do it one more time. This is a brand new car. It's 2009. Most new cars have pretty good thick, clear coat on it. And the safety sand does a really nice job.
So that's looking pretty good. Now what I suggest while using learning how to use the system is just do like one or two applications and then hit it with a Totally Bitchin' Scratch Remover Polish, and then take a look at it. And then if you can still faintly see the scratch, then clean it with the awesome blue and then hit it with the safety sand.
So you kind of want to creep up to the scratch. Remove just enough clear coat just to remove the scratch and no more in this case. Less is better. Okay. So I've done this a couple times. I had a pretty good feeling about this, so I did the couple applications and I got it. Okay. So we removed the scratch.
We used the safety sand removed the scratch. Grab your Totally Bitchin' Scratch Remover Polish. Move your polish blue microfiber towel. And on this one, we're gonna put about a dime size of polish on there and keep your effort concentrated right on the sanded area. You can use back and forth motions. Whatever's comfortable for you. I put just a little bit too much polish on here, but that's okay. Scale of one to 10, my pressure here is about an eight and go back and forth. Can pull in some of that polish right back into the area.
Keep your, keep your effort really focused right on where the area was sanded and keep working the polish. You can see it's still wet. I use just a little bit, got a little too carried away there.
Keep working it till the polish completely disappear.
I take the other side and just buff the residue off and just inspect it from all different angles. And there it is. It's done. This thing is perfect. So here's the T. When you have a scratch like this, and you're not totally sure. You just want to experiment with a real small area and see what it takes to get the scratch out.
Then when you know exactly what it'll take just enough to remove the scratch, then what you'll do is you'll work your way down the scratch. All the way down the scratch to remove it working in small sections with a focused effort. All right. So we completely eliminated this, like holy cow was like about two foot long scratch.
So it went from like right about here. If you remember all the way along here, there's like multiple little thin scratches all the way into here. And there's actually one up here that I didn't show you guys, but anyway, so it's completely gone. Totally and permanently removed. This is not gonna come back.
So like I told you, like on a long scratch, like this, you work in little concentrate areas. So you get the whole thing done safety sand, and then totally bitching scratch remover polish. Now what we'll do is come back with the glaze, the evening glass glaze, and we'll hit this whole long area and a little bit bigger areas cuz you don't have to worry about being so concentrated with it.
So grab your evening glass glaze, blue micro fiber towel. Find a nice clean spot on it. Just shake it up a little bit. Shake, shake, shake, and then put a, you know, a dime size amount on there. And on scale of pressure wise, one to 10, about like a five, you can work this in a little bit bigger area. Obviously you can see what I'm doing.
I've got like a one foot long by maybe six inch wide area. And I'm working outdoors and it's not too hot today. You don't want the surface of the car to be warm to the touch. So it's okay. It's actually fairly easy to see out here. So you just work this in and circular motions like this until it pretty much disappears.
Find a fresh place on your towel. Just to buff that, now the evening glass glaze like I said, doesn't remove scratches. It just brings out the natural depth and clarity of the paint. It just is. It's the professional finishing touch. So we're gonna work our way down this repaired area. I'll probably just go this far for right now.
I said, scale of one to 10, I'm pressing on it like five. Circular motions. You can go back and forth, whatever is comfortable for you. Doesn't really matter.
And as soon as it starts to clear out and disappear, job is done. Flip it over for a clean side and buff the residue off. We'll do one more dime size amount. When you do this, you can find a little bit fresher area on the blue microfiber towel for the glaze. And just go down a little bit further. We'll finish this.
Now when you're applying the glaze, try and find areas on your blue microfiber towel that haven't had polish on them. You just don't want to cross-contaminate at all, it's not the end of the world, but just try and find flip the towel inside out, or find a dry spot.
And then a clean side of the cloth just to buff the residue off.
All right. This thing is looking perfect now that scratch is totally gone. The paint is looking absolutely incredible. So we glazed it now for the icing on the cake, the sacred shine sealant. Cuz you have to seal up the paint after you've restored it. What we're gonna do is we're gonna apply the sealant, like in a section about this big, and then we'll do the other section.
You don't want to try and do it all in one big, long thing. So we've got, got a dime size amount, and we'll just work this into, this is, you know, like 18 inches or a foot, something like that. And you're just lightly rubbing it in, like you would rub sun tan lotion in, just wanna overlap your strokes and just make sure it's... coverage. Okay. So now we'll take another small amount. This stuff goes a long ways, so it doesn't really take that much at all.
Just rubbing in and circular, overlapping, keep rubbing it in.
It's okay to go out into other areas that we didn't actually remove scratches on. Okay. So we've let the sacred shine sealant haze for just a few minutes. And what you do to check is just take your finger and do a real quick wipe. And if it comes off clear, you're good to go. So this is super easy.
Just take a clean side of the yellow microfiber towel and just lightly buff it, it comes off with virtually no effort whatsoever.
Wipe it off like that. And then you find a fresh side and just give it a quick buff.
And that's all there is to it. This Prius looks beautiful now. So I'll see on the next video.