Hey, I've got a cool tutorial for you today. And it involves one of these innocent little things that belongs in the kitchen and should never be within 10 miles of your car. It's a regular sponge with a scotch bright scouring pad on the other side. Now you wouldn't be the first person that tried to use one of these to remove dried bugs and splats on the front of your car.
But these things can cause some serious clear coat damage, but don't worry if this happened to you or it ever happens in the future, your Ultimate Car Scratch Remover will remove those scratches. No problem. So just sit back, follow along and enjoy the ride. You've got this beautiful E 46 M3 deck lid, and we're gonna do some nasty things to it.
So if you were weak in the knees and you don't like seeing this kind of stuff, I think you might wanna turn your computer off now.
Okay. So I've got this deck lid off this M3 here, and I'm going to take a scouring pad from the kitchen. Believe it or not, this is something that happens a lot to people, especially when they're trying to remove bugs off the front of a car that have stuck and I'll get into the proper ways of taking bugs off of a car without damaging your paint. But for now, let's just see how this will come out. So just gonna take this and simulate, I don't know, I've got some bugs here and so I'll just kind of grind that in.
Okay. The bugs are all gone.
Right, so we've got some pretty good scratches there. And we'll just go around in circle. This is usually how people try and get bug scratches out. So we'll make some swirls there. So get some circular pattern. Okay. So that's, that's some pretty bad damage on this clear coat.
Okay. So we'll just tape this off. So have a real good before and after.
Okay, so you can hit this with Totally Bitchin Scratch Remover and see, but I can tell you that typically that as long as I ground into that, with that thing, that Totally Bitchin' and will make it look better, but it won't take out those scratches. You have essentially sandpapered the clear coat on your car, which is some pretty severe damage.
So we're gonna use the safety sand. We're gonna jump right into it.
The safety sand is a 3,500 grit, latex patented, wet and dry system. Pull a little purple glide, a little lubricant on there. And this is how you hold a safety sand. You kind of squeeze it like this, and you use little scrubbing motions, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005. What I like to do is dry it off with the towel and then just take a look and check it in different lights.
And, and typically you can see the safety sand will burnish it, but you'll be able to see any of the deep scratches. So for this, I think we'll just do another five second.
1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005. I'm gonna go a little bit longer, cuz I'm gonna do this whole section all at once. So only a couple more seconds. So realistically, I only hit this area for maybe about 12 seconds with the safety sand. Now grab the totally Bitchin' Scratch Remover and the blue microfiber and this will definitely take two applications cuz... you can go in circular motions. Sometimes I like to go back and forth. I can put a little bit more pressure into it and pull the compound back in. Now on a scale of one to 10 after using the safety sand I'm using about eight, I'm kind of laying into this just a little.
I'm working out in the sun today. So it's actually not the best, especially on this dark colored car, because it makes the compound dry out... the Totally Bitchin' Scratch Remover dry out just a little bit faster than it normally would so you have to work a little faster. If you've got a cool surface and you're working in the shade, it's always much better.
Alright. Let's take a look and see what we've got. Okay. So I can see that, that almost got it. There's just a little bit of peripheral scratches, but it's only from the safety sand.
The scratches from the Bri pad or the green Scotchbrite sponge have been removed pretty much so, like I said, it always takes... when you use safety, sand always takes two applications. Typically, especially since we did two five second blasts plus a little bit more. So we're gonna do our second application of Totally Bitchin' Scratch Remover.
And pull it in, in circuit motions and then use straight motions like this. And I'm still pressing pretty good, eight out of 10. And I'm putting a lot of pressure on my knuckles. I've got a real big contact area and you only go as long as the... when the polish disappears, you know, it's done its job.
Okay. So next you're going to use evening glass glaze. It's kinda the icing on the cake and it'll take out any super micro fine scratches left by the polish.
Scale of one to 10 and, you know, pressing like, eh, like four, five, not, you don't need this, isn't removing any scratches. It's just bringing out the deep luster of the paint.
You just go till it just about disappears in about 10, 15 seconds, usually for a small area like this.
One application of evening glass glaze will usually we'll do the trick on dark colored cars sometimes, and extra application will really make the color pop.
Okay. So we've polished and we've glazed. And now we're gonna use the sacred shine sealant to seal up the repaired area.
Just takes a little tiny bit... most people use way too much of say this sealant, it's a polymer acrylic. And when you do your whole car with it, or even a repaired area, the protection lasts for six to eight months. It actually bonds molecularly to the paint. That's a good one to say. So you rub this in like this, and then we're gonna let this haze for about five minutes.
So, you know, when the sealant is ready to buff and it's hazing up, just take your finger. And when it comes off clean like that, you just buff it, just a light buff. That's all it takes nothing to it. Okay, so let's pull the paper and let's see what we've got.
All right. So there you go. There is the damage (on the untouched side). There's those... you probably can't see in the camera lens here. There is some pretty good deep scratches. Not only this abrasion part up here, but some pretty deep scratches from the circular motion. So this is it. It is perfect.